母亲节英语祝福句子 关于母亲节的英语句子个

本站作者 2023-04-22 01:44:00


关于”母亲节的句子“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Mother's Day sentences。

英文句子模板1:Mother's Day sentences

1、Here a Mothering Sunday was celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter) to honor mothers. 这里是一个母亲节庆祝封斋期的第四个星期日(xx日复活节期间领导到),每年兑现的母亲。

2、This Mother's Day, by donating to our initiative you are saving a mother’s life and her child’s life somewhere in the world. 今年的母亲节,通过向我们的行动作出捐赠,你们正在拯救世界某地一位母亲的生命及她的孩子的生命。

3、How ever you decide to celebrate Mother's Day this year, take a moment to remember those years when your mother was the heart and soul of your world. 然而,今年在你打算庆贺母亲节时,请花时间想想那些年你和母亲相依相守的日子。

4、On Mother's Day, mothers usually receive beautiful gifts such as roses, candy, cards, letters, jewelry, bears, hugs and kisses. 在母亲节,母亲们通常会收到各种礼物,如玖瑰花,糖果,卡片,信件,珠宝,拥抱或亲吻等。

5、Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. HappyMother's Day. 今天是您停息的日子,让我们来照顾您。母亲节快乐。脱毛膏。

6、happy mother's day,you are given so much,wish you healthy and happy for ever! 母亲节快乐!

7、Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Hrequesty Mother's Day. 即日是您停歇的日子让我们来照望您。母亲节夷愉。

8、The child snuggled up to its mother. 孩子偎着母亲。

9、Feel bad boy, put his bowl of fish bowl folder to the mothers, mothers eating fish. 母亲不吃,母亲又用筷子把鱼夹回男孩的碗里。

10、In this latest study, the most depressed of all were single biological mothers who had never married, and biological mothers whose children had died. 在这项最新研究中,最抑郁的是从未结婚的有亲生孩子的单身母亲,以及亲生孩子夭折的母亲。

11、Mother's Day Gifts Today: Brunch, Bouquets, Bling 今天母亲节的礼物:早午餐、花束、珠宝

12、We had wonderful celebrations on Palm Sunday, Feast of Pover, Sunrise Sunday, Mather's Day, Pentecost Sunday and Father's Day. 我们在棕榈主日、逾越节、复活主日、母亲节、五旬节及父亲节都有极美好的欢庆。

13、Happy Mother's Day,you are given so much,wish you healthy and happy for ever! 母亲节快乐!

14、Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother’s Day. 今天是您休息的日子,让我们来照顾您.母亲节快乐.

15、Last Christmas, this is who was at my table: My then-boyfriend, my mother, my son, my son’s father, his girlfriend, her parents and daughter and an ortment of close family friends. We had a blast. 去年圣诞节,有这些人坐在我的餐桌边:我的现任男友,我母亲,我儿子,我儿子的父亲和他的女朋友,这个女朋友的父母亲以及她女儿,还有一些亲密朋友。

16、Tomorrow is mother's day, hope every mom has a great weekend! i also wish my mom heathy and happy forever! 明天就是母亲节了!祝天下所有的母亲有个美好的周末!:)当然我要祝我的母亲永远健康!永远快乐!

17、Mothers do not eat, the mother also use chopsticks to fish folder back to the boy’s bowl. 母亲不吃,母亲又用筷子把鱼夹回男孩的碗里。

18、Pink carnations are worn for a living mother and white if the mother is dead. 节日当天,母亲健在的子女配戴粉红色的康乃馨,而母亲已作古者,则配戴白色康乃馨。

19、Traditionally Mothers Day is the big "Flowers and Chocolate" day. 传统的母亲节是一个大的“花与巧克力节”。

20、Mother's Day is probably one of the most lucrative times of the year for florists. 母亲节很可能是花商xx年中最为盈利的日子。

21、Shopping malls have shown little enthusiasm about Father's Day, compared with the fierce promotion campaigns for Mother's Day. 和母亲节激烈的宣传活动相比,购物中心对父亲节表现出很淡的热情。

22、She thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909. xx年索诺拉在聆听母亲节宝训的时候迸发了父亲节的想法。

23、If it is between children and mother, fhe language is shifted to hers. 若子女与母亲说话,应改用母亲支系的语言。

24、Happy mother's day to all ma ma. 祝大家母亲节快乐。日日都快心。

25、On Mother's Day people wear carnations. 在母亲节那 天,人们佩戴康乃蕃。


26、There is also a tradition of gifting flowers, cards and others gift to mothers on the Mothers Day. 还有一个赠送鲜花,贺卡和其他礼物母亲的母亲节的传统。

27、Mother's Day is the perfect time to celebrate a beautiful woman and a mother called you. 母亲节是向您,美丽的女人以及母亲,送上祝福的最好时机。

28、Say this sentence, the mother is open water, wash clothes. 说这句的时候,母亲正开着自来水,洗着衣服。

29、Sokurov, A. Mother and Son. (Excerpt) 《母亲与儿子》。

30、Mother wants her son back. 母亲想要她的儿子回来。

31、You can organise tea of your mother on a Mothers Day. 母亲节那天你可以“以母之名”举行一场茶话会。

32、First celebrated 101 years ago, Father's Day was, in a way, born of Mother's Day. 第一次父亲节在xx年前诞生,并在某种程度上与母亲节相关。

33、Lish: I know Mother's Day occurs on the second Sunday in this month. "Professor Eng", would you tell me the origin of that day? 丽斯:我知道这个月的第二个星期日是母亲节。“英格教授”,可以告诉我母亲节的起源吗?

34、Sokurov, A. Mother and Son. 《母亲与儿子》。

35、To celebrate Mother’s Day, the Well blog has teamed up with Smith magazine and the Six Word Memoir Project to create a new set of six-word “Momoirs.” 为了庆祝母亲节,Well博客和 Six Word Memoir节目联手建立了新的一期六词“母亲传”。

36、Upper-cl mothers farmed their children out. Working-cl mothers took them in. 上层阶级的母亲们把孩子托给别人照看,而劳动阶级的母亲们则把孩子接过来养。

37、the biggest desire is to you: the first Children's Day, another Youth Day, then Guoqinjie, another Mother's Day, another Father's Day, another Chung Yeung Festival. 最大的愿望是想与你:先过儿童节,再过青年节,再过情人节,再过母亲节,再过父亲节,再过重阳节。

38、As Mother’s Day is upon us, let’s take a look at some of moms’ lovewrapped lies。就让我们在母亲节来临之际,一起体味母亲们充满爱意的谎言吧。

39、The motherless children were starving for affection. 这些没有母亲的孩子渴望亲情。

40、Mothers Day - J. k - May Day! 愿所有母亲节日快乐,身体安康。

41、"Leave it on."his mother replied."We'll scare your father,too." 一位母亲花了100美元给他儿子买了一套万圣节服装来吓吓他的朋友。

42、Happy Mother's Day, you are given so much, wish you healthy and happy for ever! 母亲节快乐!

43、After all,it was Mother's Day--and 800 miles separated her from her parents in Ohio. 毕竟,这一天是母亲节─而她却与俄亥俄州的父母亲遥距800英里。

44、Pink carnations are worn for a living mother and white if the mother is dead. 我的母亲是一个有品德的妻子和好母亲。

45、Cynthia's maternal great-grandmother, grandmother and mother all suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, and her mother underwent three kidney transplants during her lifetime. 辛西娅的曾祖母,祖母和母亲都患有类风湿性关节炎, 并且她的母亲一生经历了三次肾移植。

46、As Mother's Day is upon us, let's take a look at some of moms' love-wrapped lies. 就让我们在母亲节惠临之际,一路体味母亲们布满爱意的假话吧。

47、I want to wish you a happy Mother‘s Day. 祝福您母亲节快乐

48、Mother lulled the child to sleep. 母亲哄孩子入睡。

49、In the mother's eyes, we will always be the children grow up and wishing all mothers a happy holiday! 在母亲眼里,我们永远都是长不大的孩子,祝福天下母亲节日快乐!

50、Xiaoyan specially take time off to care for YiFan mother, finally melted mother a bing xin, when mother a hard, xiaoyan paid no more is worth. 晓燕特地请假照顾一帆的母亲,总算融化了母亲的那颗冰心,当母亲一句 疟“辛苦了”,晓燕之前付出的再多也值得。


51、In the chest wearing pink . 母亲节那天,在胸前佩戴石竹花。

52、The tradition of gifting carnations to mothers on Mother' s Day was initiated by Miss Anna Jarvis and began on the first official Mother' s Day in America on May 10, 1908. 在母亲节给母亲收康乃馨的传统是安娜?贾维斯大妹首创的,初于1908暮年xx月10夜好邦第一个反式的母疏节。

53、The link between part-time work and healthy weight remained even after adjustment for the mothers own weight, ruling out a genetic influence. 孩子健康体重与母亲的工作时间之间的联系,还与母亲自身的重量调节有关,这当然排除了遗传因素的影响。

54、Jeff Brazier, TV presenter and father to Goody's two children, said: "I'm devastated to learn Jade sadly left us on Mother's Day. 身为电视节目主持人及古蒂的两个孩子的父亲Jeff Brazier说:“得知杰德在母亲节那天悲惨地离开我们的消息,我感到很震惊。

55、Liu gy see mother sigh, had to remind her to check the paternity test data, lius mother picked up information, suddenly found that liu gy is Yu Xiaojiang childs biological father. 刘光耀见母亲唉声叹气,只得提醒母亲去查看亲子鉴定资料,刘母拿起资料一看,赫然发现刘光耀就是于小强孩子的亲生父亲。

56、Have a very happy Mother’s Day. 祝您有一个很快乐的母亲节。

