新学期祝福语英语短语(今天英语干货 你万万没想到的开学英语祝福语来了)

本站作者 2023-09-05 19:27:00


1. A good beginning makes a big difference… Make sure you begin this academic year with new hopes and positive mindset to make it brighter chapter in your school life full of knowledge and learning… Best wishes as you are all set to go back to school…. All the best!!!


2. Always keep your beginning focused, optimistic and full of dedication… Another fresh year at school is a chance to begin your life fresh, with new goals and new challenges… Best of luck to you and I am sure you will make proud and happy!!!


3. You can never win if you have not begun… Prepare yourself to enter the new academic year which awaits you with many opportunities to unfold… May you are blessed with high energies and positive mind to work harder and be successful. All the best to you.


4. Life is full of challenges and challenges are full of opportunities to learn… Never get scared from challenges and always welcome the chances to learn new things in life in order to grow and prosper… Wishing you all the very best in this new academic year.


5. Success and failure are a part of life…. Never surrender to failures but keep working hard… another academic year is all set to begin a new chapter… work harder, focus stronger and you will be able to accomplish the impossible…. Best wishes to you on this new beginning.


开学千万不能说“open school”

在open school这个词组当中,open可作形容词。这样一来,就变成了“开放的学校”。因此,这个表达并不准确。我们所说的“开学”其实是说,新学期开始,同学们重新回到学校上学,而放到英文中“open school” 这个词组只是单纯指: 学校开放了它的大门,有可能是学校的“开放日 open day”。很明显,这个词组并没有我们所说的“开学”这一层意思。

一般,“开学”可以用school opens 或者new term begins 来表达,表示新的学期开始。


School opens in September.


School opens tomorrow.明天开学。

The academic year begins when school opens in September.



