
本站作者 2023-10-17 11:07:00






"标语"英文翻译slogan; poster

"口号"英文翻译slogan; watchword; shibbolet ...

"口号,标语" 英文翻译:    slogan

"标语或口号" 英文翻译:    slogan or rallying cry of a grouof people fighting for the same cause

"口号;标语;呐喊声" 英文翻译:    slogan

"口令;暗号;口号;标语" 英文翻译:    watchword (l03)

"呐喊声, 标语, 口号" 英文翻译:    slogan

"暗号;(回答步哨的)口令;标语,口号。" 英文翻译:    watchword

"战斗呐喊;政党的(战斗)口号[标语]。" 英文翻译:    war cry

"口号" 英文翻译:    slogan; watchword; shibboleth 呼口号 shout slogans; 政治口号 political slogans; “精益求精”是我们的口号。 “excelsior” is our watchword. “微笑服务”是那家商店的口号。 “service with a smile” is the store's slogan

"标语" 英文翻译:    slogan; poster 张贴标语 put up slogans [posters]; 标语牌 placard; 标语塔 slogan pylon

"端口号" 英文翻译:    tcp/udport numbers

"喊口号" 英文翻译:    shout slogans

"呼口号" 英文翻译:    shout slogans; give password

"标语牌" 英文翻译:    placard

"标语塔" 英文翻译:    slogan pylon

"刷标语" 英文翻译:    paste up posters

"舱口号码" 英文翻译:    hatch number; hatch survey report

"反政府口号" 英文翻译:    anti-government slogans

"服务口号" 英文翻译:    service slogan

"高喊口号" 英文翻译:    shout slogans

"广告口号" 英文翻译:    advertising slogan; slogan

"口号大过天" 英文翻译:    slogans

"口号规范" 英文翻译:    slogan

"口号商标" 英文翻译:    slogan mark


A pragmatic - rhetorical analysis of translation of publicity slogans


" , have words , including national day , found the party day , build up the army day , finish recovering day , appear in the slogans repeatedly


Generally , singapore impresses foreigners as a well - governed society in which people abide by laws . public order is good , but people are subject to various restrictions . political slogans are rare , but posters can be seen everywhere to warn people of fines for various offences


Often see the figure in the slogans , can not understand towards the document , but the impression is deep in those repeated figures , israel among them " 21 " beginning most many slogans , tell me whether the meanings of slogan towards square guides " long live the sun general of kim jong - il in 21st century

标语口号中的数字,朝文看不懂,那些重复的数字却印象深刻,其中以“ 21 ”开头的标语口号最多,朝方导游告诉我,口号的意思是“ 21世纪的太阳金正日将军万岁! ”

The areas of hills on both sides of the road are planting maize and husked kaoliang the fine grain , the ones that if there are not those to reflect no curtain pleasing to the eye frequently are very apt to connect the township of this land and the northeast together wildly towards gentle slogans


Often see the figure in the slogans , can not understand towards the document , but the impression is deep in those repeated figures , israel among them " 21 " beginning most many slogans , tell me whether the meanings of slogan towards square guides " long live the sun general of kim jong - il in 21st century

标语口号中的数字,朝文看不懂,那些重复的数字却印象深刻,其中以“ 21 ”开头的标语口号最多,朝方导游告诉我,口号的意思是“ 21世纪的太阳金正日将军万岁! ”


