
本站作者 2023-09-18 03:09:00


关于”读书的诗歌“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Poetry of reading。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of reading

1、The success of long poems lies in the reader not feeling it dull, because in concise narration and sad expression of feelings, we are completely attracted by the emotion. 成功的长诗让读者在阅读中并不感到冗长,并不感到它是长诗,因为在凝练的叙述和忧伤的抒情里,我们完全被诗传达出的情感所吸引所左右。

2、According to the Library of Congress, the poet laureate “seeks to raise the national consciousness to the greater appreciation of the reading and writing of poetry.” 根据国会图书馆的有关规定,桂冠诗人的使命是"努力提高国民踊跃读诗和写诗的意识"。

3、Paterson more than made up for the lack of schooling with self-directed education, voraciously reading the classics of poetry and literature. 帕特森如饥似渴的阅读诗歌和文学经典,凭借自我导向的教育不仅弥补,而且还胜过了学校教育。

4、Basic reading should be provided by giving necessary-read and reference book lists. 阅读需要一定量的积累,要对基础阅读内容规定出必读书目的参考书目;

5、Not only the book of Akbar , but the book about yourself. 不但要读阿克巴尔的书,而且要阅读关于你自身的书。

6、It will mean reading alot of poems and writing about them some. 这意味着我们会读很多的诗歌,写赏析的文章。

7、Audience -- Who is the reader? 读者――谁将阅读本书?

8、Poetry, "high-rises on the sea" of the "United Daily News?Scholars" Best Book Award. 诗集《高楼对海》获《联合报?读书人》最佳书奖…

9、It will mean reading a lot of poems and writing about them some. 就是通过阅读一些诗并动手去进行创作。

10、I think that one possible definition of our modern culture is that it is one in which nine-tenths of our intellectuals can't read any poetry. 我认为我们的现代文化的一个可能定义是十个知识分子中有九个人不能阅读任何诗歌。

11、He had read much, if one considers his long life, but his contemplation was much more than his reading. 人们说他漫长的一生,便一定会说他饱读诗书,但他的思想却比他的阅读丰富得多。

12、Less attractive for e-readers are more technical books, such as books on economic theory or mathematics, where it is frequently necessary to go back and forth between earlier and later discussions. 用电子阅读器阅读像经济学理论或数学之类的技术性更强的书籍就不太适合了,因为读这些书常常需要前后反复阅读。

13、Prior to sainthood, Thomas More read Roman poets and playwrights. 托马斯·莫尔在慷慨就义之前,畅读罗马诗歌和戏剧。

14、Students can choose their own books in the reading period. The student helpers should collect all books immediately when the period ends. 阅读时间借用书籍时,学生可自行取阅书刊。阅读时间结束后,管理员需即时收回借出的书刊。

15、So choosing books is very important for reading. 选书对阅读是要的。

16、Reading and appreciation of ancient poems is the fundamental ability of reading abilities for high school students, and students lose most points on this kind of questions in exams. 古代诗词阅读鉴赏是中学语文阅读能力中层次最高的一个,也是历年高考题中失分率最高的一项。

17、The style of modern song lyrics is generally similar to the"writing-reading"style of poetry, but its artistic generation is via music with human sound as its medium and hearing as reception. 现代歌词作为抒情文类之一种,其文体特征总体上类同于“书写—阅读”式的诗歌,但其艺术生成却是通过谱曲并以人声为传播媒介,以听觉为接受方式。

18、The creativity of poetry translation is also reflected in reading translated poetry, we can pleasingly get into an era in long ago time, or we can pass down our discoveries to era in far future. 诗歌翻译的创造性还体现在,阅读翻译诗歌,我们可以惬意地走入一个距今久远的年代,或将我们的发现寄托给未来遥远的年代。

19、Libraries should strengthen the reading guidance, cultivate the reading atmosphere like scientificness and pleasantness, construct the reading civilization by promoting such readings like classics. 图书馆应加强阅读引导,培育科学、愉悦的阅读氛围,以促进阅读传统经典为主轴建设校园阅读文化。

20、Really, any book by Carle is a treat (and I just adore the Carle line by Carters! 说真的,阅读卡尔的任何一本书都是一件乐事(我只是很喜欢卡特的诗词)。

21、Read your Google Docs. 阅读你的谷歌文档。

22、I'm browsing the bookshelves for books to read. 我正在书架上找书阅读。

23、The readings reveal the culture ofthe West. Included are plays, poetry, hymns, legends, short stories, andnovels. 阅读材料会展示西方文化,包括了戏剧、诗歌、圣歌、传说、故事,以及小说。

24、Please read the Terms of Service before proceeding to register. 注册前请详细阅读《洪诗世界》服务条款。

25、More and more people are interested to read modern poetry in English. 㹇越来越多的人们对读英国的现代诗歌感兴趣。


26、I suggested he read 1 Kings 19 and Psalm 42. 于是,我建议他阅读列王纪上19章和诗篇42篇。

27、I began idly reading verses describing the s of Ireland as seen by a returning, dying emigrant. 无所事事时,我还开始阅读诗歌,读到一位返乡的爱尔兰移民在垂死时所见的海岸景象。

28、Remember children need to experince a variety of reading materials eg. picture books, hard backs, comics, magazines, poems, and information books. 记住让孩子们阅读各种各样的书,例如连环画,戏剧,杂志,诗词,信息书等等。

29、Readers' aesthetic interpretation differs due to their own experiences, knowledge level and mood, which are called "Poetry has no absolute interpretation". 而读者的审美阅读又因经历、知识水平、心境的不同而见仁见智,正所谓“诗无达诂”。

30、Anyone who is addicted to reading bus tickets or cereal packets will understand the appeal of poems on the underground. 任何一个喜欢阅读车票或者食品袋的人都很了解地铁诗歌的吸引力。

31、Articles, essays, stories and poems from journals and books of literature will be selected for reading and discussions. 所有教材选自杂志和文学书本的文章、散文、故事和诗提供阅读和讨论题材。

32、People can read the books on the Apple iPhone and other handheld devices and personal computers. They can also download over a half-million books available free from Google. 人们可以在苹果iPhone和其他手持阅读器、个人电脑上阅读书籍,还可以免费从谷歌网上下载50多万册图书。

33、Please refer to Costa Cruises Brochure for terms & conditions. 报名前请參阅歌诗达邮輪行程书内之各条款及规则。

34、Driver should read chassis manual carefully apart from vehicle manul. 驾驶员除了认真阅读本说明书外,还应认真阅读底盘使用说明书。

35、Preschool children are the main readers of picture book, reading picture-book is the primary approach to foster children's literacy. 图画书是幼儿的主要阅读内容,国际上已有研究证明图画书阅读是培养儿童早期阅读能力的主要途径。

36、They are also great appreciators of art, (read as poetry and the like) as they understand their limitations in fathoming this themselves. 他们还是伟大的艺术鉴赏家(阅读诗歌之类),因为他们了解自己的不足之处能帮助其彻底了解自己。

37、There's a kind of colloquial clarity and confidence, quite different from the vernacular language in the Hardy poems I was just reading, which are also poems of the countryside. 有一种口语式的清晰和自信,与哈迪诗中的地方语言十分不同,我也在阅读关于乡村的诗歌。

38、" Encouraging learning ", Three-shift night chickenNow, man is reading. I do not know hard early black, White the first study to regret later. 劝学诗【唐】 颜真卿三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。

39、The Reading Month activities were selected in the province, "read the Star, " 13, "read the outstanding individuals, " 53. 本次读书月活动共在全省评选“阅读之星”13名,“阅读优秀个人”53名。

40、Model reading. Children who see their parents reading, often become readers and come to accept that reading is a matter-of-fact activity. 模仿阅读。看到自己的父母读书,孩子们通常也会成为阅读者,而且认为阅读是项理所当然的活动。

42、Google Books: Google recently started selling e-books that can be read on computers and third-party handheld devices. 谷歌图书:谷歌近来开始发售可以在电脑和第三方手持设备上阅读的电子书。

43、While there has been a decline in book reading generally, the decline has been especially sharp for literature. 在书籍阅读量下降的大气候下,文学类书籍阅读量下降更为明显。

44、She spent most of her time reading poetry or walking through fields and gazing at the loveliness of the snow-capped mountain. 她把她的时间花在阅读诗歌或者在田野漫步,被银装素裹的山峦的美丽所吸引。

45、I like reading story-books. 我喜欢阅读故事书。

46、Eloisc is vcry alluring. Watching her dance under the moonlight is pure poetry. 艾洛丝非常迷人,看她在月光下跳舞仿佛是在阅读一首诗。

47、The comprehension of these poems needs the combination of the readers' heart with the poem's linguistic code. 审美阅读时靠读者心灵与诗的语义编码融合才能解悟。

48、Reading aloud is a phonatory reading form. 朗读就是朗声读书,是一种出声的阅读方式。

49、It's just been reported that reading poetry can lead to weight loss. Here's hoping literature will help me fit into last year's swimsuit. 最近正有报道说读诗能减肥,但愿读读书会帮我改造体型,好让我穿得上去年的泳装。

50、It is an important part of library reading tutorship work to recommend readers to read poems and articles. 诗文荐读是图书馆阅读辅导工作的重要内容之一。


51、When you were a young boy, you would've studied just reading and writing Homer. 希腊男子在幼年时,要学习阅读书写荷马史诗。

52、Others choose to read more slowly when they want to savor what they are reading, like fiction or poetry. 其他情况也可以放慢阅读速度,当你想要享受你正在阅读的内容,比如:小说或者诗歌。

53、From his poems we can see that with the double cultural backgrounds of Han and Tibetan Minority , Alai is expressing his feelings to peoples mental world in a poetic way. 在对他的诗歌阅读中,可以发现,阿来依托汉藏双重文化背景,对家园进行着诗意的表述。

54、I sometimes read pocket books. 我有时候阅读口袋书。

55、The emergence of obscurity poetry gives a great blow to the idea of understanding and therefore foregrounds the problem of reading. 朦胧诗的出现,使“ 懂” 的阅读理念受到深刻的冲击,并且使阅读问题凸显出来。

56、Paul Laurence Dunbar Poet Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers Book 6.1.5 保罗劳伦斯邓巴,诗人(霍顿米夫林词汇的读者,图书6.1.5)

57、Reading the novel also need to imagine, but need to read the novel "imagined reality" and the poetry reading of "non-realistic to imagine" a clear difference. 读小说也需要想象,但读小说需要的“现实想象”和读诗歌的“非现实想象”具有明显的差别。

58、Fragmentation reading; Digital reading; Shallow reading; Reading guidance; 碎片化阅读; 数字化阅读; 浅阅读; 阅读指导;

59、Literary Competence, a set of forms to reading, is central to Jonathan Culler's Structuralist Poetics. “文学能力”是乔纳森·卡勒之结构主义诗学的核心概念,意指读者阅读文本的一套程式。

60、People don't read because Apple doesn't sell a reader. 人们都不读书了,因为苹果不卖阅读器。

61、Re-reading Li Ya-wei's poems, we can still feel the pleasure in reading. This is based on Li Ya-wei's own language talent and the culture stance he holds. 重读李亚伟的诗歌,我们依然能感受到阅读的愉悦:这基于李亚伟本人的语言天赋和所持有的文化姿志。

