
本站作者 2023-11-13 20:58:00


0742翻译:观舞记 (冰心)

Translation: Indian Dance Performance (Bing Xin)

(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)


This article is dedicated to Indian dancers—Kumari Sisters:


How should I describe the dancing of Indian Kumari Sisters?


If I were a poet, I would write a lengthy poem to portray their variety-packed and grace-laden twirling-dances.


If I were a painter, I would apply multiple colors to highlight their distinctively upbeat eyebrows and audaciously beautiful costumes.


If I were a composer, I would write musical notes to articulate their agile dance-steps and jingling bells.


If I were a sculptor, I would carve with jade-stones to replicate their vivacious, shapely and brilliant figures.


But I am nobody, and I could only employ my paltry vocabularies to describe their stunning art of dancing.


Similar to a baby at seeing an eye-catching red lotus flower under the morning sun or a whirling peacock in a jungle, he wants to call out his excitement but is lost for words except to babble.


But then, my friends, should I simply put a lid on my surfeit of blissful excitement, and stop venting the feelings in me through “babbling”?


I don't pretend to be an academic who specializes in the studies of Indian dancing and can expound on the history and branches of this discipline.


Nor that I am capable of telling if the Bharat Natyam which they performed was the traditional type.


Also I would not try to extol, like an expert dancer, that their every move was so very professional.


I am only an appreciative spectator trying my best to express the lively “exquisiteness” that I felt.


Friends, it happened on a memorable night.


A curtain opened slowly.


In the middle of the stage was a small table enshrined with the statute of a dancing Shiva.


On both sides were two high-leg brass lamps.


The ambiance on stage was tranquil and solemn.


Kamala Kumari came out and her beauty brightened up everything.


She bowed to the audience with joined palms, and then raised her head to flash her pretty face and expressive eyebrows/eyes.


She stood still with a dignified poise.


Flutes sounded, drumbeats rolled, singing rang out, and then Kamala began to dance.


She engaged her long eyebrows, telling eyes, slender fingers, small waist, topknot flower, pleated skirt, small dance-steps, varying bell-rings, light-footed glides, and whirlwind twirls in the choreography of her dances.


Through her dances, she told stories and emotions in the themes of proses.


Even though we didn’t know the context of the story, yet her dance moves won our empathy.


We could sense her sorrow through her knotted eyebrows, share her happiness through her broad smile, detect her shyness through her evasive gesture/eyesight, and recognize her anger through her infuriated expression.


At times she was showing her make-believe meticulous art of makeup by dotting her own forehead, massaging her own arms, and lining her own eyes/eyebrows.


Suddenly she stood upright and pretended to cock an arrow on a bow in such convincing manner that people could almost hear vibration of the stretched bow.


Like Deity Shiva she was totally absorbed in the ecstasy of her own dancing such that she was oblivious to the presence of the audience and her own self.


She went all out using her dexterous and nimble limbs/expressions to tell beautiful ancient Indian stories contained in proses/poems.


Segments of dances were performed.


(Little sister Radha danced both solo and in team with her sister.


She was still young, but in spite of her age, she was proficient and her future had no limit.)


We noticed in their dances not only that they represented gods and humans, but plants and animals as well.


For example, lotus petal in tremble, dashing fawn in fear, and proud peacock in strut, were described to the fullest and presented in the best light.


The most impressive was the “Snake Dance” featuring the waggle of neck, the quiver of shoulder, and the wiggle in waves from right-hand finger tips to left-hand finger tips.


I really can’t put down in words on what I saw, except by making reference to the two verses in Bai Juyi’s poem: “The twirling of bead/tassel in hair-wear resembles zooming stars, and the motion in causing a garland to drop resembles wriggling of dragon/snake.”


Watching the dancing of Kumari Sisters brought about appreciation of India’s long-standing and exquisite cultural arts: dances, music, sculpture, drawings, etc.


These cultural elements are like branches of a banyan tree bending down and growing roots when they enter the ground.


Branches underground link with one another and feed on nutrition provided by mother-land.


The land represents people everywhere in India.


Kamala and Radha were only two tender branches on this banyan tree.


Kamala had seventeen years of experience on stage even though she was twenty-two years old.


The twelve-year-old Radha had already spent four years in show business.


However, we knew India’s magnificent mother-land would continue to nourish them.


Regretfully just when they had shown the people of China their graceful-as-drifting-dragon dancing, they had to fly back in two to three days like “frightened swan geese” at the request of the people in their mother country.


In Beijing’s early spring, we couldn’t find full-bloomed, fragrant flowers like those of their hometown in South India.


We would only imitate the poetic saying of their great poet Tagore: “Let us link our appreciative and amazed hearts like red flowers into garlands and put them on their necks.


They could bring the garlands back to the people of India as a token of our gratitude for their friendship, warmth and generosity in providing Kumari Sisters to us.”


