关于秋天枫叶的诗句英语 秋天的诗句英文个

本站作者 2024-02-24 06:33:00


关于”秋天的诗句“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Autumn verse。

英文句子模板1:Autumn verse

1、The high blue sky is another charm of autumn. 永远的蓝天是秋天的又一迷人景色。

2、Autumn, unlike the colorful spring, or the summer full of vitality, or the winter filled with makeup, is also beautiful. 秋天,不像春天那样万紫千红,也不像夏天那样生机盎然,更不像冬天那样粉妆玉砌,但是,秋天同样美丽。

3、But our autumns are quite warm and comfortable. 但秋天相当暖和舒适。

4、Some flowers die in the Fall. 秋天桂枝飘香,菊花斗艳;

5、So I like fall very much . 所以我很喜欢秋天。

6、One falling leaf heralds the coming of autumn. 一片落叶预示着秋天的来临。

7、Autumn has come, wind sends bright. 秋天来了,凉气送爽。

8、An aspen leaf turning fall colors. 白杨树的树叶转变为秋天的颜色。

9、The autumn air is fresh and cool. 秋天的空气清新而风凉。

10、Her other films include "Golden Leaves", "warmth in Autumn" and close to 40 other films. 节下来也拍了《秋缠》、《温暖在秋天》、《星语》、《真正的爱》、《梅花》、《蒂蒂日记》、《人在天涯》等40馀部电影。

11、Day is so cbsi, the golden autumn is so beautiful. 天是那样瓦蓝,这金色的秋天是那样美丽。

12、The trees were naked during autumn. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。

13、i feel a little cool in the autumnal night. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。

14、You'll appreciate it when the weather improves in the fall. 当在秋天天气好转时你会感激这一切的。

15、The wild geese honked high in the autumn sky. 雁在秋天的空中鸣叫。

16、Fall is golden and farmers are busy. 秋天是金色的,农民们很忙。

17、When autumn comes, leaves begin to fall; 当秋天来了,落叶纷落;

18、Susan: It is very chilly now. Autumn is approaching. 是凉飕飕的。秋天到了。

19、There are a lot of fallen leaves in autumn. 秋天有许多落叶。

20、Most asters bloom in the fall. 大多数的紫菀在秋天开花。

21、Most asters bloom in the fall. 秋天,许多紫苑花开放。

22、Orange is the color of fall and harvest. 橙色是秋天和收获的颜色。

23、Always love autumn, love the fall that a thorough heart in cold peace, love that a clear sky and clouds. 一直都喜欢秋天,喜欢秋天那一份透彻心扉中清冷的安宁,喜欢天空那一抹明净和白云的清幽。

24、The trees were naked during autumn.秋天里树木都是光秃

25、As seen from neighboring Vermont , autumn begins to sprinkle the White Mountains of New Hampshire with color. 每日一图秋天观叶。就像看见附近的佛蒙特,秋天开始撒布白色的山脉的汉普夏以色彩。


26、BE the defoliation of the autumn, freely comfortable; 是秋天的落叶,自由自在;

27、Taken in late autumn, this stunning photo shows the warm hues of fall against an azure sky. 深秋里所拍摄的这张令人惊叹的照片显示了反衬蔚蓝色天空的秋天温暖色调。

28、Autumn has a box of colorful paint. 秋天有一盒五彩缤纷的颜料。

29、Autumn is a lively season for the wool market. 秋天是毛织品畅销的季节。

30、Speak of the spring, and foison of the year. 说春的妖娆和秋天的饶丰。

31、It's been one of the coldest autumns of years. 这是多年来最冷的秋天。

32、No, autumn is not always heaven on earth. 不,在人世间秋天并不总是天堂。

33、Cotton ought to go sky high this fall! 今年秋天棉花会堆得天高呢!

34、It is so lovely an early autumn day. 早秋的天气是很可爱的。

35、In the fall, ther is one prime necessity:Atay clear of bad weather. 秋天面临的问题是如何避开恶劣的天气。

36、B:Yes, the autumn is marvelous here. 是啊,这儿的秋天美极了。

37、A winter weather and women's thoughts change oft. 秋天的云,女人的心—变化莫测。

38、The reason (which/that) I dislike most is autumn/fall. 我最讨厌的季节是秋天。

39、i am god, take much medicine or not,在这个落叶的秋天)

40、This is the trouble with autumn birthdays. 这就是生日在秋天的麻烦。

41、And then I saw Dead Poets Society and I heard for the first time the words "Carpe diem". 后来,我看了《死亡诗社》,第一次听到了“及时行乐,抓住今天”(Carpe diem)这句话。

42、Autumn is in the air. Sorry but it is… because Mummy pig had to put on her autumn coat to go to Wisley garden today. 岛上的夏天还没有正式开始,空气中已经有秋天的味道了。今天猪宝宝一家去植物园,猪妈妈已经要穿上秋天的外套了。

43、As soon as Indian summer is over, it gets colder with each passing day… 秋老虎刚过,天就一天比一天凉了。

44、Autumn is very cool and the weather is very suitable. 秋天很凉爽,天气也很好.

45、the leaves turn yellow in autumn. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。

46、Metal-For west, autumn, orange and white. 金—→主西方,秋天,桔色、白色。

47、TianWaiTian oil of autumn in the fish market and sell very well. 天外天的秋油鱼上市了而且卖的很好。

48、Autumn is honest; it does not pretend to be heaven. 秋天是诚实的,它并不把自己装扮成天堂。

49、Is the defoliation of the autumn, freely comfortable; 是秋天的落叶,自由自在;

50、Elk early morning in fall 2010. 2010年秋天一个清晨的麋鹿。


51、If only autumn and winter zipped by as quickly as summer. 要是秋天冬天能跟夏天一样快点过去就好了。

52、The leaves change. It’s Autumn, right? 树叶变黄,秋天到了,是吗?

53、In late autumn the sky is crystal clear. 深秋的天空异常爽朗。

54、The trees were naked during autumn. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。

55、Autumn disrobes the hill of verdure. 秋天使山上青葱的草木发黄。

56、Maple trees turn red in autumn. 枫叶在秋天变红了。

57、Dropping ears of rice at the main performance site promising another good harvest this autumn. 主会场前的稻穗,象征秋天喜获丰收,用音乐庆祝金秋的来临。

58、Thinks these dark days of autumn rain. 想着这些阴郁的秋雨天。

59、October autumn, the sky is blue. 十月清秋,天空一片湛蓝。

60、I like it in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. 我喜欢秋天的天气既清澈又明亮

61、The leaves slowly rust in autumn. 秋天树叶慢慢变成红褐色。

62、It was an autumn day in Minnesota. 那是明尼苏达州的一个秋天。

63、By autumn, however, clouds appeared unexpectedly. 然而,一入秋天便风云突变。

64、Thee grass of the field, there are countless des sauterelles in singing praise a piece of autumn, autumn is listening to the music straight! 田野的草地,有无数只蝈蝈在唱着一支赞美秋天的乐曲,秋天也听着直乐呢!

65、The leaf falls and know the world autumn. 一叶落而知天下秋。

66、“The gifts of autumn” is the work of Alena. 阿勒娜的作品——《秋天的礼物》

67、The suspicion that even God is partial to autumn has overwhelmed others, including John Donne, who enthused: “In Heaven, it is always Autumn.” 连上帝也偏爱秋天,这种看法得到了许多人的赞同,约翰·多恩就曾热情地说过,“天堂里总是秋天。”

68、These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall. 这些鸟春天向北移栖,秋天向南移栖。

69、In autumn, the golden wheat filed was waving. 秋天里啰,那金灿灿的麦田。

70、Is it cold or warm in aturmn? 秋季的天气是泠还是暖呢?

71、Autumn sleeps in the shepherdess eyes. 秋天梦寐在牧羊女的眼里。

72、Pedicure in fall to protect lung; 秋天洗足,蕴肺肠濡;

73、It is bright and fresh in early autumn. 初秋的天气格外明朗清新。

74、The autumn weather is fresh and cool. 秋日的天气真是高爽。

75、Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul. 秋天的枯叶在你心头旋舞。

英文句子模板76:Autumn verse

76、I am god, take much medicine or not,在这个落叶的秋天)

77、Jim:I like autumn, too. The days are clear and the sun is warm. It's neither too hot nor too cold. It's the best season in Beijing. 我也喜欢秋天。秋天天气晴朗,阳光温暖,既不太热又不太冷,是北京最好的季节。

78、A full moon hung in the sky on Mid-autumn Day. 中秋那天,一轮圆月挂在天空。

79、The autumn wind blows drear and bleak; 秋天的风吹阴郁和凄凉;

80、A maple tree ablaze in autumn. 秋天里枫叶满山红遍。

